Breathwork group session with your team.
explore. dive deep. elevate
LET’S FLY FOR A WHILE - 1 - 3 hours
Breathwork. Meditation
We’ll detach you from the day, any to do list at work and ground you in the present moment. Bring order and calmness into your busy chatting mind, active mostly in high beta brainwaves during your workday. A corporate group breathwork session is a combination of a music journey, body movements, grounding meditation and the main event the breathwork closing the experience with a reflection talk at the end.
The duration of the breathwork varies on your wishes:
1) A relaxing breath meditation
2) An energizing, elevating breath meditation
3) A deep dive to release stress and come out energized, renewed and vibrating
A time for everybody to fully be with themselves - no worries we’ll have blindfolds- to just breathe and connect back to our body, subconscious mind and heart. Feeling calm and energized at the same time, to free people from stress, negativity and whatever else doesn’t serve them anymore, so they can come and act from a place of inner contentment. These shifts in yourself ripple out to the people around you, the team, family, friends etc. Being able to choose how you want to react or be in different situation instead of being on auto pilot or in constant stress. Breathwork also gives participants a boost in creativity, clarity and focus.
Working on ourselves improves everything around us. We can’t change others, but ourselves. This can be all kinds of things, like patience, compassion, anger or stress or old habits we stick to, which do not serve us. The group experience creates a group energy that vibrates throughout the entire room. We are all in this together!
Use breathwork to create an extraordinary experience for your team. Letting people have time to look inside. Coming out of this with a huge feeling of gratitude and love for yourself and life. De-stress and detox on a physical and emotional level. People appear more free, vibrant, fresh, light and vital after willfly breathwork experiences.
Breathwork is practiced seated or laying down on mats (depending on the duration). No yoga clothes needed.
Location: At your location, hotel or a tropical house in Miami