Always Do Your Best -> Topic for this week
Always Do Your Best. Inspired by the book the four agreements, we’ll breathe into this topic for this week.
Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.
Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.
Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.
Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.
Get your ticket here
Cost is: $50
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle (contact@willfly.co). Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)
Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here