Always Do Your Best -> Topic for this week
7:15 PM19:15

Always Do Your Best -> Topic for this week

  • Little River Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Always Do Your Best. Inspired by the book the four agreements, we’ll breathe into this topic for this week.
Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $50
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

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Group breathwork Tuesdays - in the tropical garden
7:15 PM19:15

Group breathwork Tuesdays - in the tropical garden

  • Little River Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $50
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

View Event →
Group breathwork Tuesdays - in the tropical garden
7:15 PM19:15

Group breathwork Tuesdays - in the tropical garden

  • Little River Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $50
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

View Event →
Group breathwork Tuesdays - in the tropical garden
7:15 PM19:15

Group breathwork Tuesdays - in the tropical garden

  • Little River Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $50
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

View Event →
Group breathwork Tuesdays - in the tropical garden
7:15 PM19:15

Group breathwork Tuesdays - in the tropical garden

  • Little River Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $50
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

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Don’t Make Assumptions -> Topic for this week
7:15 PM19:15

Don’t Make Assumptions -> Topic for this week

  • Little River Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Don’t Make Assumptions - Assumptions create stories in the mind that may not be true, stirring unnecessary tension and disconnection. Breathwork brings us back to the present, quieting the mental noise and opening space for clarity, trust, and a more peaceful heart.

Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $50
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

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Don't take anything personally  -> Topic for this week
7:15 PM19:15

Don't take anything personally -> Topic for this week

  • Little River Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Don't take anything personally - inspired by the book the four agreements, we’ll breathe into this topic this week. Breathing into and realizing that people’s actions and words are a reflection of their own beliefs and perceptions, not a personal attack on you. By not internalizing others' behavior, you free yourself from unnecessary suffering and maintain emotional freedom.

Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $50
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

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Be Impeccable With Your Word -> topic for this week
7:15 PM19:15

Be Impeccable With Your Word -> topic for this week

  • Little River Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Be Impeccable With Your Word. Inspired by the book the four agreements, we’ll breathe into this topic for this week.
Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $50
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

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Inner child -> topic for this week
7:15 PM19:15

Inner child -> topic for this week

  • Little River Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Inner child work in this weeks group breathwork! Who is in the drivers seat of your life (with eyes closed :-))? Let’s check in with our inner child, nurturing, healing and integrating him/her.
Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $50
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

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Celebrating life and 5 years willfly breathwork -> Bring a friend for free!
7:15 PM19:15

Celebrating life and 5 years willfly breathwork -> Bring a friend for free!

  • Little River Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Bring a friend for free tonight and we’ll breathe into celebrating life and 5 years willfly breathwork! Buy one ticket and message me if you are bringing someone.
Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $50
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

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 Overthinking everything? > this weeks group breathwork topic
7:15 PM19:15

Overthinking everything? > this weeks group breathwork topic

  • Little River Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Busy Mind? Let’s Breathe Through It.

Overthinking often comes from old beliefs and past experiences shaping how we see ourselves and the world. Breathwork helps quiet the mental noise, bringing awareness to these patterns so we can release what no longer serves us. With each deep breath, we create space for clarity, trust, and a calmer mind. Ready to breathe through the overthinking?
Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $50
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

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Healthy relationship > BRING A NEW BREATHER FOR FREE this weeks to group breathwork topic
7:15 PM19:15

Healthy relationship > BRING A NEW BREATHER FOR FREE this weeks to group breathwork topic

  • Little River Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Bring a new breather for free this week! (Note: This weeks event will be photographed/filmed)
Improving, healing relationship - with yourself and others. Perfect for the Valentines day week ;-)
Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.
Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Note: This week will be filmed and photographed for better content to promote ;-)

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $50
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

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Too hard on yourself? > this weeks group breathwork topic
7:15 PM19:15

Too hard on yourself? > this weeks group breathwork topic

  • Little River Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Too hard on yourself? Come we’ll breathe into Self-Love today!

Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $50
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

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Tuesdays group breathwork in the garden/house
7:15 PM19:15

Tuesdays group breathwork in the garden/house

  • Little River Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $50
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

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Island Vibes - Ecstatic Dance, Yoga, Breathwork & Sound Healing
12:00 PM12:00

Island Vibes - Ecstatic Dance, Yoga, Breathwork & Sound Healing

Island Vibes: Day Festival Beach Ecstatic Dance & Sound Healing

We are back for round 2 of Island Vibes with new longer hours & fire flow dancers at sunset and more offerings, making it now its a whole day beach festival!

Step into a magical island adventure for the whole family! Hosted by Jenergy of Ecstatic Flow and Jared Bistrong from the South Beach Sound Healing Orchestra, Island Vibes is an ecstatic dance experience like no other—held on a SECRET LOCATION mini island beach near Key Biscayne, Miami, surrounded by the beauty of nature and the rhythm of the ocean.

This family-friendly event invites you to bring your kids and loved ones to celebrate, move, and play together! Dance barefoot on the sand, swim in the crystal-clear waters, climb trees, and embrace your connection to the ocean, the trees and your radical self-expression. Let the live drumming guide your movements, and feel the freedom of dancing under the open sky. As the day unfolds, we'll gather for a soul-soothing sound healing session for the sunset to end the event in deep relaxation and harmony.

To keep you nourished throughout the celebration, we'll have a delicious food and juice vendor on-site, offering refreshing and healthy options.

🌴 Ecstatic dance, swimming, and tree climbing for all ages
🎵 Live DJ Jenergy Ecstatic Flow Experience
🧘‍♀️ Breathwork session led by the incredible Stephi Wald - Willfly
🥁 Live drumming & sound healing with Jared Bistrong & The South Beach Sound Healing Orchestra
🔥 Fire flow dancers at sunset
🌊 Family-friendly fun with a connection to nature
🌟 Radical self-expression, ocean energy, and community vibes
🍉 Nourishing food, juice & other vendors to fuel your dance & life

Important Location details provided in your email upon RSVP

Tickets here

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Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house
7:15 PM19:15

Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house

  • Little River Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $50
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

View Event →
Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house
7:15 PM19:15

Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house

  • Little River Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $50
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

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South Beach Sound Healing Orchestra at Miami Bandshell
7:00 PM19:00

South Beach Sound Healing Orchestra at Miami Bandshell

Ancient Future Full Moon Experience

Under the radiant glow of the first full moon of the year, join the South Beach Sound Healing Orchestra at the iconic Miami Beach Bandshell for a world class immersive light and sound meditation.

The 25-member Orchestra led by Jared Bistrong will use over 100 instruments including Drum, Handpan, Gong, and Didgeridoo Ensembles. This interactive and fun experience will guide participants through movement, breath, live drum & dance and a multi-sensory synchronized soundscape that will induce a deep meditative state taking participants on a powerful journey back through time, relaxing the body, mind and spirit.

Adding a site-specific visual masterpiece to the experience, renowned multimedia Sculptor [dNASAb] will present The Moon Is the Oldest TV, a live projection mapping film that fuses augmented story telling with awe-inspiring visual narratives that will transform the Bandshell into a celestial microcosm.

What to Bring: Please bring warm clothing, a mat and a blanket to lay on.

View Last Year’s Experience:

Food & beverage are available for purchase at the show. The Bandshell is an open-air covered venue, all programs are rain or shine. Your ticket, once purchased, is non-refundable.

Tickets here

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Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house
7:15 PM19:15

Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house

  • Little River Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

First group session of the year 2025!! We’ll breathe outside! It is beautiful to breathe in these temperatures. I’ll have a fire going towards integration. Bring a sleeping bag or double blankets.

Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $50
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

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1/2 Day Retreat - Hello 2025
4:00 PM16:00

1/2 Day Retreat - Hello 2025

  • Little River Miami, FL 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Cacao - Intention setting - short willfly movement sequence - Breathwork - Fire circle

01/05 is a Sunday. Who’s in? An afternoon in the tropical garden >> finally an offering with more time than just a breathwork session.
We’ll open with a cacao ceremony to connect to the heart and movement to move energy around (don’t be afraid, you got this!), the breathwork will help us to release and process and by around the fire we’ll transform the old and burn what we let go of. An opportunity to dig deeper and to be excited about what the year will bring. Women and men welcome.

Cost is: $111,

Sign up here
» Or Venmo (@stephi.wald or Zelle (enrolled as Stephanie Wald no “m”!!) Please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)


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Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house
7:15 PM19:15

Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house

  • Little River Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $48
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

View Event →
Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house
7:15 PM19:15

Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house

  • Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $48
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

View Event →
Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house
7:15 PM19:15

Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house

  • Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $48
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Bring an extra blanket (or a sleeping bag) for this super nice clear Miami winter temperatures.

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

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Thanksgiving special! Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house
7:15 PM19:15

Thanksgiving special! Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house

  • Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Bring a family +1 for free on 11/26 for our thanksgiving group session! Breathing into gratitude, releasing tension and emotions we carry. (Buy one ticket and message me if you bring a +1))

Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $48
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

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Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house
7:15 PM19:15

Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house

  • Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $48
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

View Event →
Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house
7:15 PM19:15

Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house

  • Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $48
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

View Event →
Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house
7:15 PM19:15

Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house

  • Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $48
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

View Event →
Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house
7:15 PM19:15

Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house

  • Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little Haiti/ Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $48
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

View Event →
Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house
7:15 PM19:15

Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house

  • Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $48
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

View Event →
Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house
7:15 PM19:15

Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house

  • Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain!) the house of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $48
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

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Wednesday (only this week)! Group breathwork inside across from the "Breathe" garden/house
7:15 PM19:15

Wednesday (only this week)! Group breathwork inside across from the "Breathe" garden/house

  • Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Only this week on Wednesday! Breathe inside because of the stormy and rainy weather! Across the street from the garden of our Urban Sanctuary location in Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $48
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

View Event →
Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house
7:15 PM19:15

Tuesdays group breathwork in the "Breathe" garden/house

  • Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The weather is still unpredictable, we'll breathe inside the new location right across from the "breahe" garden in Little River.

Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.

Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $48
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

View Event →
Inside this week! Tuesdays group breathwork in the Breathe garden/house
7:15 PM19:15

Inside this week! Tuesdays group breathwork in the Breathe garden/house

  • Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We'll breathe inside this week, across from the "breathe" garden location in Little River. Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.
Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $48
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

View Event →
Inside this week! Tuesdays group breathwork in the Breathe garden/house
7:15 PM19:15

Inside this week! Tuesdays group breathwork in the Breathe garden/house

  • Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We'll breathe inside this week, across from the "breathe" garden location in Little River. Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.
Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $48
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

View Event →
Tuesdays group breathwork in the Breathe garden/house
7:15 PM19:15

Tuesdays group breathwork in the Breathe garden/house

  • Miami, FL, 33150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Breathe in the tropical garden or inside (in case of rain) the house of our Little Bali vibe location in Little River. Free street parking and quick from everywhere, due to excellent connection to i-95! Sign up or message me for the address.

Breathwork is a life-transforming tool for everyone ready to restore inner contentment and meaningful change in their life. Using a conscious connected breath along with elevating music and Stephi’s voice guides you to get out of your mind and able to release what doesn’t serve you anymore on a subconscious level.
Connect with like-minded people and find a space where you can allow yourself to feel, be vulnerable, and unstuck your life and your mind. Come out of the session renewed, with more focus, clarity, and love.

Get your ticket here
Cost is: $48
Sign up online or bring cash, Venmo (@stephi_wald), and Zelle ( Let me know if you are coming! If you Venmo - please send me your email address, so you know what to bring :-)

Save and commit to 1 month here
Breathe for $40 with the 10 session package here

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